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We are looking for an EDIT ASSISTANT to join us on an innovative archive and UGC driven series for a high-profile streamer that will lift the lid on the most entertaining of animal-human interactions....

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Tv & Film Employers, we offer 2 different hiring solutions to fit your needs

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Choose our cost-effective head-hunting service and let our team research and source the perfect candidate for the job, saving you time and stress.


We were looking to recruit a director with very specific specialisms for a prime time factual UK and international commission. Production Hive made the process incredibly easy for us.

They understood our requirements right away and filtered the applicants so only candidates with matching experience were sent on to us. Not only did we find an incredible director, a lot of time was saved in terms of the shortlisting process.
They are incredibly can-do and run by very experienced and friendly people who understand the requirements of production.
They have revolutionised the process for talent searches in my opinion and they will definitely be my first port of call when crewing up in the future.

Alex Nicholson

Brook Lapping

ProductionHive say they hand-pick only the best candidates for a role.

I know that’s true because they put forward a Stern & Wild director, and as a result he is now authoring a feature-length international documentary which wasn’t advertised elsewhere.

ProductionHive is clearly about quality and not quantity.

Moray Coulter

Founder, Stern & Wild

I just wanted to let you know how well ProductionHive worked for me. I was pointed at an advert by someone in my network, and the role immediately struck me as uniquely challenging and exciting, as well as something I hadn’t seen advertised elsewhere.

The whole application process was very straightforward.

There was no charge, and I heard back from the company very quickly. It was clear from early conversations with them that we would be a good fit, and I’m now in production.
Thanks again.

Nigel Levy
